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Buena Vista University

Ag Business 225

This research guides contains link to resources useful for students in ag business courses.

Ag Business Current Events

Print Publications

Farm Journal - BVU Library journal shelves, first floor.

Electronic Publications

Amber Waves: The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources and Rural America from the Economic Research Service department of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Agribusiness Review

Ag Decision Maker,  newsletter from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Agriculture Policy Review (Iowa State) is a quarterly publication that focuses on ag policy in Iowa.  Articles are written by academic staff, so slightly more scholarly than other news sources listed here. 


AgDay is a daily TV program that focuses on agriculture in the U.S.  Produced by Farm Journal. 

AgriTalk airs for 2 hours each weekday, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Another Farm Journal production.

Future of Agriculture podcast

Market to Market a weekly half-hour television show devoted to farming and commodity marketing.  From Iowa PBS. Also available on YouTube. 

Spokesman Speaks - podcast from the Iowa Farm Bureau.  Their weekly publication is only available to Farm Bureau members, but the podcast is freely available.

Successful Farming Podcast 


Identifying (and Avoiding) Journal Articles

There will be times when you want to use research-based scholarly journal articles to support your work and to provide evidence for what you say or write.  This current event-based assignment does not require this type of research-based information.

Current events will be found in magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, and podcast programs that are updated frequently. 


Types of Articles and Their Characteristics

  Popular or Trade Articles Journal Articles
Audience Public or Practitioners Researchers or Experts
Authors Usually journalists Usually professors or graduate students
Images Frequent color photos Charts, Graphs, Tables of statistical information
Language Simple to read, little expertise required Technical terms, written for other experts
Length From a few paragraphs to a few paes Lengthy articles, usually several pages.
Ads Frequent advertisements Few or no advertisements
Article Structure No discernable structure Rigid structure: Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Conclusions, and References
Purpose Good for current events, not suitable for research Good for research, not suitable for current events




Searching vs. Browsing

Use the power of the database to quickly find an article on a topic that interests you.

In any Ebscohost database (like Business Source Premier or Academic Search Complete) you can set up your search like this to find any article in Bloomberg Businessweek about the topic of telecommuting. 

Screen shot showing how to search by publication name