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Buena Vista University

MGMT 410 Organization Theory

This research guide will help students in MGMT 410 find trusted and authoritative sources for their Fortune 500 company case reports.

APA Citations & Formatting

This research guide on APA format should answer many questions on APA formatting and citations.

You can also use the resources listed below. 

This entry from the APA Style blog gives some examples of how to cite information from ChatGPT or other AI sources.

MLA style

The MLA web site shows how to format your paper, how to create in-text citations and Works Cited entries.

Other helpful sources include

Purdue Owl, MLA format

Purdue Owl vidcast about MLA citations.  While this video is based on the 8th edition of MLA Style, everything covered in this video applies to the 9th edition as well.  This video lecture is about 12 minutes long and covers basic information about citing books and journal articles.  This will be very helpful to new users of MLA format. 

Excelsior Online Writing Lab has tabs for both 8th and 9th edition.


Getting citations from databases

To use the citation tool in any Ebsco database.

  1. Click the title of your article in your search results to see the full description of the article.  This page will have the article abstract (summary).
  2. In the tool bar arranged horizontally in the upper right click the  quotation mark icon.
  3. Scroll through the list to find the citation style you want.  MLA, APA and Chicago are the styles most commonly used at BVU.  Ask your professor which style to use if you aren't sure.
  4. Copy and paste the citation into your document.
  5. Check for accuracy!  Capitalization of all words in an article or chapter title in APA style commonly requires editing. (In the example above, only the words Multi and Optimal should be capitalized in the article title.)