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Use Encyclopedia of Communication Theory (listed above) to locate the encyclopedia article on the theory of interest. This should mention the name of the original theorist and perhaps the year the research was published. With that information, look for the citation at the end of that article that matches the author and the date.
If it's published as an article, a volume number and journal title will likely be mentioned in the citation. If BVU Library does not have that journal available, you can interlibrary loan the article with the information found in the encyclopedia citation.
If the original research is published as a book chapter, there will be two titles mentioned. The first author/s and title listed is the title of the CHAPTER. The second author/s (or editors) and title will be for the entire book. To see if BVU Library owns that book, search for the BOOK TITLE in the catalog. If the book is not available, use interlibrary loan to order a copy of the book.
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