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Buena Vista University

Literature Research Guide

This guide provides links to the literature sources available to all students at the BVU Library.

Find books & ebooks

The BVU Catalog provides a way to see the books, e-books, articles and online videos (mostly documentaries) we have available for you to use.

Search options

If you use the search option with a single search box, your search will default to the material held by the BVU Library.

If you use the Advanced Search option with three search boxes, your search will include other libraries and show you material that might not be readily available. 

Users can change this setting to expand their search or to restrict it to what is available locally.  This option is most easily accessed in the left column of your search results, under "Held by Library," as shown below.


Finding books at other libraries

No one library can have everything, but many libraries willingly swap and share their collections!

Interlibrary loan services (see that tab  on the left side for more detail) is the mechanism that we use to request books from other libraries.  If you do NOT limit your search to BVU Library as directed in the box above, you are seeing material available from other libraries worldwide.  

Click on the title of any search result to go to the DETAILED RECORD screen.  You'll see a box in the upper right with your ACCESS OPTIONS for that item.  If it is not available locally, you can request the item through INTERLIBRARY LOAN.  Click the highlighted button in the illustration below to place your request.


Books about the study of literature

Definitions of literary terms

Here are some specific books about the study of literature that you may want to consult for definitions, etc.

Database for definitions and background information

For those who prefer an electronic tool to find their definitions, try Credo Reference.  It isn't specialized in any  one area, but contains the contents of hundreds of dictionaries and encyclopedias in all areas.