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Buena Vista University

Native American Law

This guide will help you locate Native American laws and supporting law research.

Finding State Codes

State laws are available on Westlaw and HeinOnline shortly after they are passed by the state legislature. In addition, most states have recent session laws and the state codes on the web. For example, you can locate them through the Legal Information Institute's listing of state laws by jurisdiction. However, this approach is best if you already have either a citation or some exact language from the statute. 

Westlaw Campus Research

WestlawNext Campus Research provides law-related information. Content includes legal encyclopedias, law reviews and journals, federal and state statutes, regulations and court decisions. Westlaw Campus Research is available for on campus use only. Off Campus users should use HeinOnline.


HeinOnline Academic

Access law journals, treaties, legal classics and trials from the United States. New information added in recent years provides information in many topic areas. 

Westlaw - Current State Code

Westlaw provides access to state codes and regulations. To find individual state codes in Westlaw, navigate first to the State tab, select desired state link, then look for the States & Court Rules section.

For a listing of freely available state statute resources consult the Legal Information Institute's listing of state laws by jurisdiction.


Historic State Code

Westlaw does provide access to some older codes. See the Historical Statutes page for a list by jurisdiction.

Note that the terms used in historical state codes include: Indian Land Transfers and Indians of North America.