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Buena Vista University

PSYC210 Developmental Psychology

This guide will guide students in this course to sources for peer-reviewed psychology articles. It also explains the concept of "peer review" and gives students strategies for reading scholarly journal articles.

Locating peer-reviewed articles

Library databases make it clear which articles are peer-reviewed, which is an advantage to searching for articles in Google.

In the PsycINFO or PsycARTICLES databases, searchers can limit their search results to articles from peer-reviewed journals by using the check-box that appears under your search windows while you are setting up your search...

screenshot of the peer-reviewed narrowing function in PsycINFO

Or, if you've already done the search and need to narrow down the number of results, the peer-reviewed checkbox appears in the left column with other options to narrow your search.

screen shot of a second way to narrow seach result to peer-reviewed articles in PsycINFO

Psychology and Education databases available