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You will turn in three MLA citations to earn up to 10 points.
Each citation must be from a different group. There are four groups, each group has two possibilities so you will skip one group completely.
Each citation must first be put onto an MLA 9th template sheet. This shows that you understand the important parts of the citation and that you are understanding the MLA concept of "containers." I will supply those sheets.
Step Two will be write a full MLA citation on that same sheet of paper.
Step Three: Add an in-text citation for the material you just cited. If page numbers are not readily available to you, just enter "x."
Group Two, Choice 1 (cite this book as a complete work, not an individual poem)
Group Two, Choice 2
Group Three, Choice 1 (any individual essay from this e-book, download the book and use the Table of Contents to select one essay.)
Group Three, Choice 2 (any individual episode from this podcast)
Group four, Choice 2
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