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Buena Vista University

ENGL260: British Literature

This guide covers concepts and resources needed to successfully complete the research paper for this course.

Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Sources

Examples of primary, secondary and tertiary sources in history

Primary Sources Secondary Sources Tertiary Sources

Web page of Census statistics on educational attainment

A journal article about educational


An article from Credo Reference

from an encyclopedia about

educational attainment.

Photograph of Martin Luther King, Jr

Photo and text of Martin Luther King, Jr.

"I Have a Dream" speech.

(Both are considered primary

sources on their own.)

Book cover of Becoming King

An e-book titled Becoming King by

Troy Jackson, published in 2008,

many years after King's


Book cover of Encyclopedia of African-American Civil Rights


The Encyclopedia of African-American 

Civil Rights, in which common knowledge

of King and his speeches and his

influence on the Civil Rights Movement

are featured.


newspaper front page from July 1969 "The Eagle Has Landed"

Newspaper article from July 1969 about

the moon landing. web page

summarizing the history

of space flight.  Note: some

photographs or interviews with

NASA employees within the book are

considered primary sources, but the web

page as a whole would be considered

a secondary source.

Cover of American Chronicle, a chronology of 20th century events

A chronology or timeline of events in the 20th


sample of a handwritten document

A diary or letter explaining an event

the author witnessed or experienced.

A book about families of World War II

soldiers, written in 2009 by an author

who was born in 1962.  Note: text

of letters or diaries or interviews with

people who experienced the

events published in this book would

be considered primary

documents, but the book itself should be

considered a secondary source.

Almanac of facts about World War II.