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Primary Sources | Secondary Sources | Tertiary Sources |
Web page of Census statistics on educational attainment |
A journal article about educational attainment. |
An article from Credo Reference from an encyclopedia about educational attainment. |
Photo and text of Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have a Dream" speech. (Both are considered primary sources on their own.) |
An e-book titled Becoming King by Troy Jackson, published in 2008, many years after King's assassination. |
The Encyclopedia of African-American Civil Rights, in which common knowledge of King and his speeches and his influence on the Civil Rights Movement are featured. |
Newspaper article from July 1969 about the moon landing. | web page summarizing the history of space flight. Note: some photographs or interviews with NASA employees within the book are considered primary sources, but the web page as a whole would be considered a secondary source. |
A chronology or timeline of events in the 20th century. |
A diary or letter explaining an event the author witnessed or experienced. |
A book about families of World War II soldiers, written in 2009 by an author who was born in 1962. Note: text of letters or diaries or interviews with people who experienced the events published in this book would be considered primary documents, but the book itself should be considered a secondary source. |
Almanac of facts about World War II. |
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