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This box highlights some of the subscription databases that BVU provides. Listed here in order of relevance, these databases that can be searched to find scholarly articles on all aspects of exercise science and kinesiology. All BVU databases can be reached from our A-Z Database page.
PubMed Online training tutorials are available!
These databases are compiled by professional organizations in their field of interest. There will be some overlap with the subscription databases listed above and perhaps more research from professionals all over the world.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. BVU does not have a subscription to the full service. Login credentials are not available. Because medical research is funded with federal dollars, those results must be published so that they are available to the public for free (open access) so many studies do make their full-text available here.
Introduction video
Intermediate searching video
Only studies using the most rigorous research methods are indexed in PEDro. These include randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
Using PEDro "simple search"
REHABDATA is produced by the National Rehabilitation Information Center, is the leading literature database on disability and rehabilitation. The database describes over 80,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities. The collection spans 1956 to the present.
Here is a brief list of some kinesiology journals BVU provides access to. Check our full list of journals, or use our interlibrary loan service to obtain any article you need for free. See the Interlibrary Loan button in the left column for additional information on this service.
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