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Buena Vista University

ENTR101 Entrepreurship & Ideation

This research guide compiles resources that can be used to complete the assignments in this class.


Newspapers can be important sources of information because they are 

  • Current (published daily or weekly)
  • Provide an historical record (what happened last week, last month, last year, ten years ago?)
  • May provide details such as names, statistics, interviews.
  • Can give you insight to the local business climate and economy now and over time.


For Storm Lake newspapers, the Storm Lake Public Library has a database of digitized newspapers published in Buena Vista County.  Most recent newspapers available are from 2018.  This may provide some local people for you to contact with questions.  The BVU Library keeps the last 3-6 months of the Storm Lake Times Pilot.

Newspapers available for free to BVU students--WSJ

Buena Vista University has a site license so that everyone on campus can access the Wall Street Journal electronically. You must set up an account and have it verified before you can access the WSJ.  These steps can be done in just a few minutes.  Once your account is created, you can download the WSJ app to your phone, subscribe to specialized newsletters or search the contents of the newspaper.

Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal is known for its coverage of business news.  To create an account...

Step 1.  Go to 

Step 2. Select "Buena Vista University" from the list of  academic partners.

Step 3. Create your account on the registration page.  You must use your BVU email address.  

Step 4. You'll receive a confirmation email from Dow Jones/WSJ

For future access, simply go to and click on 'Sign In" button located in the upper right.

To search for articles published over the past four years, click on the magnifying glass in the upper left.