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Buena Vista University

IDST400 Challenges for the 21st Century

Links provided here will be useful for sections of IDST400 as sources are gathered for the Signature Assignment.

The Information cycle

Types of Sources

Information is created and shared in many formats, but how do we go from a current event to an entire book about that event? Understanding the progression of information will help you determine which type of source is most appropriate for your research. 

Information Cycle

Used with the permission of UW Green Bay Libraries


Google is great for capturing the information that comes out immediately after an event in the news, press releases, and on social media.  It is even pretty good for capturing the newspaper articles and some of the magazines that are published in the following weeks.  What Google does less well is to capture the academic information that is published some time after the event.  Library databases are designed to find this type of information.

If you only search for your topic on Google, you are likely missing the academic information your professors expect to see in your list of references.