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Buena Vista University

Choosing a research topic

This guide will introduce library resources you can use to help you choose a topic for a paper or a speech.

Talking to others

Your librarians - Although we may not have subject expertise on topics you are considering, librarians do understand the research process.  We can guide you through the confusion and anxiety you may be experiencing and help you decide on a topic and how best to approach it.  Drop in for a chat or schedule a research consultation to talk this over.  We'll also help you map out your research strategy by suggesting the best databases to use or reputable web sites to use. 

Your professors - Part of the reason you are a student here and not at some massive university is because you have access to the faculty that teach your classes.  Professors nearly always have "office hours."   Office hours are when professors are available for their students.  Check your syllabus or the door of your professor's office to see what office hours your professor observes.  Use your email to schedule an appointment with your professor when you are both free and talk over your assignment.  Your professor is the subject expert!  They can guide you to some interesting topics you may not have considered.

Your peers - Two brains are better than one!  What does a friend think about your topic?  Do they find it interesting?  Is it an issue they feel concerned about?  Can you make the case that this IS an important topic to them?