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Buena Vista University

HIST342 Exploring the Holocaust

Use this guide to help identify historical resources on the Holocaust.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar attempts to make scholarly journal articles searchable. 

It is not a scholarly journal database, but a scholarly journal search engine.  Search engines gather as much information as possible, without concern for the quality of the information.  Google Scholar can be really helpful for finding newly published information and it can also be helpful to find additional related articles.  

Example of Google Scholar entry with links to full-text and related information

In this example the search was for "privacy concerns."  

"[HTML]" or "Full View" links will open up the complete full-text of this article.

The last line of the entry has a star, which will allow the researcher to save this to a Google Scholar Library. Click on "My Profile" link in the upper right to set up "My Library."

The quotation marks will show how to cite the article in several different styles.

"Cited by 163" link will produce a list of 163 articles that have cite this article.  The higher the number, the more influential the article could be.

Related articles opens up a huge list of articles that share at least one reference with this paper, indicating some level of relatedness.

"All 5 versions" shows the same paper available at different sites.  Some may offer full-text while others do not.

The two chevrons (>>) will open up the BVU Resources link to check if this article is available in any BVU database.  If it is not available, that same screen has a link to the BVU Interlibrary Loan page (lower left), which allows the researcher to quickly place an interlibrary loan request for the source. (See Interlibrary Loan Services page for more detail).

Like Google, Google Scholar also has an "Advanced Search" option which is available by clicking the three horizontal lines in the upper left of the Google Scholar search page.