We know how important it is for you to quickly and easily access full text of journal articles.
When you have access to the full text of an article through a database at BVU, you will usually see a link to a PDF or HTML version of the article.
In the ERIC database, you will be able to retrieve the full text of most ERIC Documents published since 1992 by clicking on the Full Text from ERIC link.
If you don’t see a PDF or HTML or Linked Full Text for an article, be sure to click on the link that says Search for Full Text. Many times this will lead you to the full text in a different database or from journals that we subscribe to electronically.
If you still cannot find an article, submit an Interlibrary Loan request. It takes about two to three business days to receive an article online through your Interlibrary Loan account. Click here if you need a little more information about interlibrary loan before placing a request.
When you are off campus, always start your search from the library homepage. Login when prompted. This will guarantee you will authenticate with your BVU credentials and avoid hitting a paywall later as you research.
Need help? Email library@bvu.edu or chat with a BVU Librarian.
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