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Buena Vista University

Library DIY

Welcome to the Library DIY, created to help you walk through some of the most commonly asked research and library questions!

Is a journal significant in my field?

In every field or discipline, there are journals that scholars consider prestigious and influential. There are a few ways to find these journals in your field.

  • Ask your professors and other scholars in your field which journals they respect and would recommend you use for your research.
  • Ask a librarian for a recommendation. Librarians are familiar with the scholarly journals in many fields and can help you assess a journal.
  • Pay attention to which journals you read. As you start to read more and more literature in your field, pay attention to the journals that publish the articles you find influentiall.


In addition to prestige, which is difficult to measure, journals are judged by a variety of metrics that look at the impact of articles published in that journal. The metrics usually look at how many citations that papers published in the journal receive over time. The "impact factor" calculates journal productivity and impact. 

Eigenfactor looks at the impact of journals that cite each article. On their website, you can search for a specific journal, search by discipline, or search by year. For more information on how they calculate the impact of journals, see their FAQs.