You can search the BVU Library catalog for videos in online streaming and DVD formats.
To search for a specific video, enter the video title and limit the search to the Title field.
If you want a video on a specific topic, do a keyword search. Then on the search results page, look on the left-hand side to locate the "Limit Search Results" menu. Under "Collection", select DVD or Online Streaming Video databases can be selected here. Check these databases to see if a video is available for instant streaming. Streaming videos are also listed in the BVU catalog.
Make sure the "eVideo" format is checked in the left column (see arrow.)
Click on the title of the video to get more information about it, including a summary and production information. (Title appears in oval.)
Click the "View Now" button to begin watching this video.
DVDs are shelved in the Library by call number on the second floor, just like books.
If the Library does not have a video, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.
Need help? Email or chat with a BVU Librarian.
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