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An interview is a dialogue or exchange of information between people.
There are three types of interviews as sources:
Published interviews may appear in magazines, newspapers, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc.
Personal interviews are those you conduct as a means of obtaining information to support a point in your paper. These types of interviews cannot be recovered.
Research participant interviews are those you conducted as part of your methodology.
To cite a published interview, follow the format for the reference type (e.g., magazine article, podcast episode).
In-text citation:
(Shea & Ericson, 2021)
Readers cannot recover personal interviews. Because of this, cite a personal interview as a personal communication.
In-text citation:
(A. Tolliver, personal communication, September 15, 2021)
Research participant interviews do not require a citation in APA because you do not cite your own work in the paper in which it is first being reported.
Information gathered from participants can be presented and discussed in a paper according to these guidelines:
See p. 278 of the manual for more information and examples.
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