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Buena Vista University

APA Citations (7th ed.)

This guide will help you learn how to properly format and cite your research in APA style.


Periodicals are generally published on a continuous basis and include:

  • Journals
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Newsletters
  • Blogs
  • Other online platforms

The date element is presented in different formats for journal, magazine, and newspaper articles and blog posts.

When periodical information if missing, omit it from the reference.

To cite online news websites, see the Webpages & Websites tab of this guide.

Periodicals Template

Journal Article with a DOI

  • Always include the DOI if one is available.
  • List up to 20 authors in your reference entry.
  • Include an article number or eLocator if provided. Capitalize the word "Article" before the article number or eLocator.
  • Volume number is italicized.

Rodas, E. L., Colombo, L., Calle, M. D., & Cordero, G. (2023). Looking at faculty writing groups from within: Some insights for their sustainability and future implementations. International Journal for Academic Development, 28(2), 205-216.

Vázquez-Lozano, J. E., & Liberal, I. (2023). Incandescent temporal metamaterials. Nature Communications 14, Article 4606.

Parenthetical citations: (Rodas et al., 2023; Vázquez-Lozano & Liberal, 2023)

Narrative citations: Rodas et al. (2023) and Vázquez-Lozano and Liberal (2023)

Journal Article without a DOI

  • For journal articles without a DOI that are found outside a database, include a nondatabase URL.
  • For journal articles without a DOI that are found in most academic research databases or in print, end the reference entry after the periodical information.

Kupfer, R., Schilling, L., Spitzer, S., Zichner, M., & Gude, M. (2022). Neutral lightweight engineering: A holistic approach towards sustainability driven engineering. Discover Sustainability, 3(1), Article 17.

Mulvihill, G., & Johnson, S. (2023, January 29). Experts urge better opioid rescue drug access to save lives. Chicago Tribune.

Reardon, K., Bromley, K. W., & Unruh, D. (2021). The promise of universal design in postsecondary education: A literature review. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 34(3), 209-221.

Parenthetical citations: (Kupfer et al., 2022; Mulvihill & Johnson, 2023; Reardon et al., 2021; Lewis, 1999)

Narrative citations: Kupfer et al. (2022), Mulvihill & Johnson (2023), and Reardon et al. (2021).

Magazine Article

Hall, B. K. (2023, July 27). How a scholarly spat shaped genetic research. Nature, 619(7971), 690-691.

MacFarquhar, L. (2023, April 3). Living in adoption's emotional aftermath. The New Yorker.

Sohn, E. (2023, July). How gambling affects the brain and who is most vulnerable to addiction. Monitor on Psychology, 54(5), 62.

Parenthetical citations: (Hall, 2023; MacFarquhar, 2023; Sohn, 2023)

Narrative citations: Hall (2023), MacFarquhar (2023), and Sohn (2023)

Newspaper Article

  • To cite online news websites, see the Webpages & Websites tab of this guide. The examples below are for online newspapers.

Foreman, A. (2023, May 5). Using forensic evidence to solve crimes. The Washington Post.

Murphy, K. (2007, November 14). Birder admits killing cat, but was it animal cruely? The New York Times, A16.

Parenthetical citations: (Foreman, 2023; Murphy, 2007)

Narrative citations: Foreman (2023) and Murphy (2007)

Blog Post

Research to Action. (2018, April 30). Partnering for more effective and impactful development research.

Snider, A. (2022, October 4). Drumming in woodpeckers is neurologically similar to singing in songbirds. The Official PLOS Blog.

Parenthetical citations: (Research to Action, 2018; Snider, 2022)

Narrative citations: Research to Action (2018) and Snider (2022)

Comment on an Online Periodical Article or Post

  • Credit the person who left the comment as the author using the format that appears with the comment (i.e., a real name or a username).
  • Provide the comment title or up to the first 20 words of the comment; then write "Comment on the article" and the title of the article on which the comment appeared (in quotation marks and sentence case, enclosed within square brackets).
  • Link to the comment itself if possible.

seattlenerd. (2023, August 7). A subtle effect of the loss of ice at high latitude means that the gravitational mass of that ice is [Comment on the article "Facing the surge: With a fast burst of sea level rise, New Orleans's outer defenses face a major test"]. The Washington Post.

Parenthetical citation: (seattlenerd, 2023)

Narrative citation: seattlenerd (2023)


  • Use the reference format for the publication in which the editorial was published. This example shows an editorial from a journal. Editorials may also appear in magazines, newspapers, or other publications.
  • Include the notation "Editorial" in square brackets after the title (except when the word "Editorial" is included in the title).

Collins, R. T. (2014). Building on excellence: A vision for the future [Editorial]. Applied Physics Letters, 105(11), 1-2. 

Parenthetical citation: (Collins, 2014)

Narrative citation: Collins (2014)