Begin with only 2-3 essential terms, and avoid long phrases. The more terms you enter the fewer results you’ll get. (For example, a search for environmental consequences of fracking may yield 0 results, while fracking and environment yields over 2,000.)
If your first term doesn’t work, try a synonym. You may have to try out several related search terms to find the types of resources you're looking for. (Example: environment INSTEAD OF environmental consequences)
To identify useful keywords, do some quick background research. Note terms that are often used to discuss the topic. (Reference sources like Wikipedia or the library database Credo Reference offers overviews of many topics. Of course, remember to evaluate information in Wikipedia with particular care since almost anyone can edit it.)
Do a quick database search and view the search results page to identify relevant terms.
In most databases you can refine results using the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT.
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